‘NCC To Improve Quality Of Telecom Services By 50% By End Of 2024’

Dr. Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy.

The Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) intends to improve the quality of telecom services by 50% by the end of 2024.

The Commission noted this in a statement highlighting the telecom regulator’s activities during President Bola Tinubu’s first year in office.

It stated that it aims to attain improved levels of service quality in accordance with the objectives established by Dr. Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy.

The NCC said: “The Commission, under Dr. Aminu Maida, focuses on collecting granular data from operators to analyze and enhance quality of service at local levels. This approach enables the implementation of optimized solutions and necessary regulatory actions.

“Quality of experience takes into account all touch points along the consumer’s journey in using telecom services from selection, through onboarding, usage, support and even off-boarding.

“This means consumers are empowered to make the right network selection, enjoy a seamless onboarding into the network of their choice, enjoy quality service at fair costs, receive responsive customer service and enjoy protected off-boarding where they choose to leave the network.”

NCC aims to achieve several goals outlined in Tijani’s Strategic Agenda 2023, including increasing Nigeria’s broadband penetration to 70% by 2025, ensuring data speeds of 25Mbps in urban areas and 10Mbps in rural areas by 2025, and providing coverage to at least 80% of the population, particularly in underserved areas, by 2026.

Other goals include reducing the number of unconnected Nigerians in rural regions from 61% to less than 20% by 2027 and achieving a 300% to 500% increase in broadband investment by the end of 2027.

Source: itweb.africa

Edet Udoh

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