
Lagos State Reports Rise In Cholera Outbreak – 401 Suspected Cases, 21 Deaths

The Lagos State Government has reported a concerning rise in the cholera outbreak, with the number of suspected cases climbing to 401 and fatalities increasing to 21.

According to, the surge, up from 350 suspected cases and 15 deaths previously reported, underscores the severity of the situation.

The Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Health, Dr. Kemi Ogunyemi, disclosed these figures during an update following a meeting with the Lagos State Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC), highlighting Lagos Island, Kosofe, and Eti Osa as the most affected areas.

Ogunyemi shared that the rise in cases was anticipated as the ileya festivities happened recently, which prompted large gatherings. However, she noted a positive trend with suspected cases reducing in previously affected local government areas due to state interventions and enhanced surveillance.

In response to the outbreak, the Lagos State Government, through its Ministry of Health and collaborating agencies, has ramped up efforts to control the spread. 

Ogunyemi said, “The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the State Ministry of Environment and its agency, the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), continues to collect samples of water sources, food, and beverages to identify the source of contamination.”

She then added, “We are also working with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education as well as the Ministry of Tertiary Education to ensure all precautions are taken in our schools to protect children and scholars as they return.”

The Health Adviser then urged Lagosians to seek medical attention if they exhibit symptoms such as watery diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, general malaise, and fever, emphasising that treatment for cholera is free at all public health facilities.

Ogunyemi then extended gratitude to local, national, and international partners, including UNICEF, WHO, NCDC, NIMR, and the Red Cross, for their support in combating the outbreak.

“Appreciation is also extended to the dedicated team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab scientists, environmental health officers, Water Corporation officers, surveillance officers, heads of agencies, members of PHEOC, and volunteers who are working around the clock to combat the disease and keep Lagos safe,” she said.

Edet Udoh

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