
I Don’t Know Yet If There Will Be Election In 2023 Says Pastor Adeboye

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye has raised a lot of concern over the feasibility of the 2023 elections saying, he is yet to hear from God if the elections would hold.

Adeboye raised the concern at the monthly thanksgiving service of the church on April 3.

He also disabused the minds of Nigerians over the involvement of the RCCG in politics.

The church leader said he was aware of many of the writings of people over the recent action of the church to encourage members to be politically active.
He urged critics of the church not to distract him from the role of a pastor that God assigned to him.

Adeboye said, ‘I will never be a politician. That is not my calling. I am called to be a pastor. That is why I don’t carry a big title. He says to me clearly you are to be pastor.’

I was fascinated by big titles
He recalled that when he newly became the church’s General Overseer he was fascinated by big titles.

“If you came to my little office in those days there was a lean plate on my table with the inscription: Rev Dr. E. A Adeboye Bsc (Ife) Msc (Unilag) General Overseer. I did that so that when you come to my office you are coming to a big man’s office.”

A revelation from God however changed his perspective.

He said God showed him a revelation of two graphs “When I was about to turn 40 God showed me a vision. He showed me two graphs. One was head-on parabola and then another head down a valley.

“At the turning point of graph was the mark 40. And then he asked me son, which of these two graphs do you want.

“I said I prefer the headdown parabola meaning at the age of 40 I will be at my lowest and be climbing. Then he said you have chosen wisely. And he said all these big titles have to go. You are to be pastor.”

My job is to pray for nations
Adeboye stressed further that, “I am a pastor. I am not even a prophet. I only hear from him once in a while. My assignment is to pray for you. Pray for nations. It has nothing to do with partisan politics.

“Don’t distract my attention. You will bear me out I have never told you this is the fellow you should vote for. I have never said this is the party you should belong to. I will never say it. Why, because every party is heavily represented in the church.”

He said the only reason he had never voted is that ‘if I vote for anyone, I will be unjust to any of my children. I am the father of all and I like it that way. All I am saying and I am saying it loud and clear nobody is born a Christian. You are a Nigerian first . You have a duty to your country to register to vote and to make sure your vote will count.

“You have a duty to belong to any party of your choice. You can’t fold your arms and refuse to vote and begin to complain. They chose for you because you refuse to do anything and you begin to complain.

“You must vote. You must ensure the vote is counted. You must make sure there is no more rigging in Nigeria. I don’t care who you vote for. Do your duty. And you must do it.

“My assignment is to pray. I will pray for this nation. I asked for 1000 volunteers.I got more than 26000 and we prayed. God heard. And the answer will come.”

I am yet to hear from God on 2023 Election
He said however that “we need to pray a little more. There are some problems that surfaced that we did not pay attention to in the past.”

Adeboye said he was yet to hear from God if 2023 election will hold. “As of now, I still don’t know whether or not there will be an election next year. My father has not talked to me about an election .

Adeboye said, “Listen to me carefully and if you are going to quote me, quote me correctly. I am talking to those of you who are my children. Do you want to know the truth? And nothing but the truth? I am talking of myself now.

“As of now, as I am standing before you, I still don’t know whether or not there would be an election next year. Don’t say that Pastor Adeboye said there would be no election next year; that’s not what I said. Adeboye does not know yet, put the word ‘yet’.

“How come you don’t know? Because my father has not talked to me about it yet. The last time we had an election, He (God) spoke to me about the election by June of the previous year and this is April. So, it is not late but He hasn’t told me yet.”

He threw a challenge to the congregation seated before him. Adeboye said, “He (God) must have told you – some of you who are prophets, you are closer to Him (God) but is there anyone of you here who can raise your hand to heaven and say without any doubt, there will be an election in 2023. If you can tell us, stand up and we will clap for a prophet.

“I don’t know yet. Remember to put the word ‘yet’,” he emphasised.

The RCCG overseer said he was concerned about insecurity in the land.
His words, “I have a lot of things occupying my mind. Kaduna is on my mind. You cant travel to Kaduna by air, by train or by road. The question is: Why Kaduna. Who is trying to isolate Kaduna?

“After Kaduna which is next? Some of you are killing yourself about 2023. You don’t even know if the rapture will come before the end of this year. Kaduna is a prayer point.”

Our oil is being stolen
Adeboye also expressed concern over the theft of more than 80 percent of Nigeria’s oil. “it is in the news that the oil we are producing is being stolen. And nobody has denied it.

“That leads me to several quéstions. Who is stealing the oil? Where is the money going to? 80 percent of our money is going into the hands of some people. Who are the foreigners  buying this stolen oil? How many of these foreign nations are your friends?

“It is open secret undenied that more than 90 percent of our income from the left over of the oil stolen is being used to pay interest of the money we borrow.

“We are borrowing more, meaning we are moving steadily to bankruptcy.

”My beloved Nigerians we re moving to bankruptcy You can see the reason why I am more concerned about what is happening now than what will happen a year from now.

We must pray for Kaduna
“We must pray for Kaduna. Pray for all the states . Pray that God will expose those who are stealing our oil that God will have mercy on our nation .

“During the tenure of President Olusegun Obasanjo, we became debt-free. God can still do it. If God does not intervene our great-grandchildren will still be paying debt.”

He pleaded with those he referred to as political gymnaste to allow him to do his job as a pastor saying, “anybody who comes to me from any party for prayers I will pray for the person. And my simple prayer is Lord, let your perfect will concerning this fellow be done.

“The most high rules in the affairs of men and he gives to whoever pleases. I will support whoever wins.”

Adeboye who preached on the topic waiting without wasting said people experience delay in life for many reasons urging his listeners to always wait for God’s time.
“Be careful of shortcuts. Wait for your time,” he said.

Edet Udoh

We are The Revealer, a general online news platform based in Nigeria. Our focus amongst others is to provide credible, factual, well researched and balanced news and articles for our teeming readers in business, governments, politics, engineering, science, religion, technology etc. Edet Udoh is the Managing Editor. He is an experienced media person. He has worked extensively with the Champion Newspapers, The Authority Newspapers and the Blueprint Newspaper before starting Revealer Online News platform in 2018. He can be reached with this email address: or via these phone numbers 08061246427 and 08170080488

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