Banking and Finance

Bitcoin’s Return On Investment Soars By Over 4000% In Fiver Years    

Bitcoin’s return on investment  soared higher than leading banks’ stocks by 4,214 per cent on average in the past years, outperforming also, Wells Fargo (WFC) by a whopping 7,151.86 per cent, data from Finbold has shown.

Bitcoin’s growth in recent years has resulted in investors reaping significant returns with the asset’s rising value. The growth in Bitcoin’s return on investment has seen the asset outperform stocks by major banks.

Compared to Citigroup (C), Bitcoin ROI is higher by 4,951.47 per cent, while Goldman Sachs (GS) ranks third at 3,101.94 per cent. JP Morgan (JPM) is fourth at 3,067.51 per cent, while Bank of America (BAC) is fifth at 2,800.59 per cent.

Among the highlighted asset classes, Bitcoin also controls a higher market capitalization of $813.56 billion as of September 21. JP Morgan (JPM) ranks second with a market cap of $471.17 billion. Among the banks, Bank of America (BAC) has the second-highest market at $340.80 billion.

Wells Fargo (WFC), Citigroup (C), and Goldman Sachs (GS) have a market cap of $190.82 billion, $141.49 billion, and $131.96 billion, respectively.

The report highlights some of the drivers being Bitcoin’s significant return on investments. According to the research report: “Additionally, the gains might be a reflection that the asset is emerging as a formidable hedge against inflation and a store of value. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, stocks plunged, and while most economies went into recession and central governments embarked on wide-scale printing of money, Bitcoin was viewed as a hedge against monetary debasement.”

It is worth noting that Bitcoin has sustained the returns despite facing barriers on the regulatory front alongside concerns on high volatility.

Edet Udoh

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