
Aviation Professionals Oppose New Appointments In NAMA, 40% Deductions

Four aviation professional bod­ies in the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) have kicked against the recent appointments made by Sen. Hadi Sirika, the immediate past Minister of Aviation.

The associations, Aeronau­tical Information Manage­ment Association of Nigeria (AIMAN), National Associa­tion of Air traffic Engineers (NAAE), National Aeronauti­cal Communications Associa­tion of Nigeria (NACAN) and Nigerian Air Traffic Control­lers’ Association (NATCA), in a joint statement, warned that the appointments were dan­gerous to the continued safe airspace.

The statement jointly signed by their Presidents, Ngerem W.G (AIMAN), Engr. Miri S.D (NAAE), Alhaji Rabiu M.S (NA­CAN) and Mr. Adebayo Agoro for NATCA, observed that the appointments and redeploy­ments done by Sirika in the last minute of the last admin­istration were against the Act that set up NAMA.

Recall that Sirika had cre­ated two directorates in the twilight of the administration, Directorates of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection and Directorate of Corporate Ser­vices.

The associations claimed that it was necessary to bring to the attention of the new gov­ernment the action of Sirika, which they said may return to the aviation industry the era of plane crashes as professionals were overlooked in the appoint­ments and redeployments.

The statement said: “We note with chagrin the flagrant neglect of the Act that estab­lished NAMA with the creation of needless directorates within the non-core services. Sad to also note that the new direc­torates created by fiat does not have any meaningful impact in the operations of the agency.

“The unwholesome devel­opment of creating needless directorates and units has not only led to the neglect of the core service that needs more directorates, but also, sadly birthed a regime where less qualified people from outside were recruited to take up su­pervisory positions and to head units created which practically superimposes them on regular staff in a way that has patheti­cally portrayed qualified profes­sionals as incompetent.

The meeting also hastens to point out that despite the subsisting demand by the National Salary, Income and Wages Commission (NSIWC) to ensure the agency has the fi­nancial capacity to implement the negotiated staff conditions of service (COS), the agency is being forced to engage in the indiscriminate employment of staff into non-core service areas of the organisation, which has doubled the wage bill thereby having negative serious effects on statutory core mandates of the agency, human capital development, facilities maintenance/pro­curement and many others.”

They also expressed the con­cerns that the negative fallouts of the indiscriminate recruit­ment if not checked may likely stall the implementation of the negotiated COS.

The professional associa­tions also tasked the new gov­ernment to carry out a down­ward review of the 40 percent deduction on the internally generated revenue (IGR) of the agency.

It maintained that the pres­ent status quo hampers the progress of NAMA.

Culled from

Edet Udoh

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