August 2023 Insurance Advisory: Be Someone’s Assurance
By Ekerete Ola Gam-Ikon
So often, persons with availability, accessibility, affordability and authority want to assure others that their promises can be kept, their words can be believed and their actions can be trusted.
However, due to the exigencies of life, accidents, incidents and emergencies, their intentions and plans are often short-lived and unfulfilled.
We will always need to be assured when things are uncertain or seem unsure.
ADVICE 1: Be sensitive and look out for someone who needs assurance. Sometimes, we just greet ourselves and do not even see our faces or wait some seconds to guess our feelings. It makes the difference!
ADVICE 2: Let your spirit guide your next line of action. For most people, cash is the assurance while there might be someone who just needs a hug to be assured. When you need to, respond as your spirit directs please.
ADVICE 3: Make it the culture of your organization to assure persons or group of persons. You do not have to be an insurance company to assure those that need assurance. It’s always exciting to read the stories of commitments over many years.
ADVICE 4: Find an Individual or organization to assure today. Be an active player in our world where assurances save lives, create and protect wealth and enables peaceful living.
Assurance is the environment we desire, together we can create it by heeding to these advices.
Welcome to August, someone’s month of assurance.