
AGRO enjoins the body of Christ to eschew ungodly acts

Pastor Clara Alao

The Arm of God Reconciliation Outreach (AGRO) has sent an awakening
signal to the body of Christ to abstain from every form of ungodly
acts in this End-time before the return of Jesus Christ.

In its End-time bulletin it recently distributed  to all church
leaders in Nigeria through the Christian Association of Nigerian (CAN)
zonal and state leadership, AGRO advised church leaders to place more
emphasis on righteous living in this end-time.

In a copy of the bulletin that the reconciliation & intercession
prayer ministry also shared with the media, its coordinator, Pastor
Clara Alao strongly noted that various events across the world today
are signals that the return of Christ is imminent.

The bulletin contains a list of 60 acts that AGRO enjoined the body of
Christ to stop to be able to present a Church without spots or
wrinkles when Jesus Christ returns. “Two messages from our Lord Jesus
Christ to the body of Christ are to repent and to stop acts of strife
and disunity, hatred, unforgiving, unrighteousness, misuse of gifts,
selfishness, anger, lack of self control, procrastination,
disobedience, fearfulness, selfish evangelism, self exaltation,
blasphemy, false doctrine, laziness, idolatry, disorderliness,
dishonesty, un-thankfulness, sexual perversion, untruthfulness,
impatience, pride, bribery, indiscipline and cursing” among other
ungodly acts as contained in the bulletin.

The End time reconciliation and intercession outreach ministry also
enjoined churches to put more emphasis on evangelism with the sole aim
of evangelizing more souls for God’s kingdom in this end time, and to
also preach more about heaven and hell with serious awareness and
enlightenment. “God is not a respecter of persons (Colossians 3:5).
Take heed! My humble appeal to us all is please let us all arise and
do the needful. Our God is merciful and he is also a consuming fire,
Remember, He will start His judgment from the church. I pray that the
blood of Jesus Christ will not be in vain over his church, our lives
and nations in Jesus,” Pastor Clara Alao, the AGRO coordinator,

Aside the message to the body of Christ, the bulletin also contains
God’s message to all Nigerians generally. The message states:
“Whosoever and whatsoever group or personality that is behind the
spiritual and physical conditions and calamities in Nigeria should
repent now. The blood of the innocent people killed is crying for
vengeance. The iniquities in the land have reached the highest level.
God is not a respecter of persons. He will judge everyone according to
their works. Therefore, those concerned should repent now before it is
too late. God is about to pass through the nation Nigeria with His
wrath. He is the Creator of the universe. I am that I am changes not.
He will do whatever He says He will do. Those concerned must repent
now before it is too late,” the outreach ministry vehemently warned.

AGRO then appealed to all Nigerians to stop every act of wickedness
and genuinely repent. It warned that nobody can withstand the anger of
God. “We have no other country to call our own. I am appealing to all
Nigerians to arise and do the needful now. God is angry with us. I
pray Nigeria will not become a goat nation in Jesus name. God will
show mercy if we seek for forgiveness. But if we refuse to repent and
continue in our wickedness and iniquities His wrath will come upon
us,” Pastor Clara Alao warned.

The Arm of God Reconciliation Outreach (AGRO) ministry was birthed
from two separate but similar revelations from God by its set woman,
Pastor Clara Alao, on 12th December, 2017 and 12th May 2018
respectively. The vision of the outreach ministry is to work as a
succor to the body of Christ and with a mandate to foster unity and
love in the body of Christ, and also to inspire persistent united
prayer for those in authority.

The mission of the outreach is for the body of Christ, particularly
pastors, to break doctrinal barriers and unite in love to become a
formidable team of witnesses to the realities of God’s love and
desires. And, also that we (the body of Christ) may live a peaceable
and quiet life in all godliness and honesty according to 1 Timothy

Edet Udoh

We are The Revealer, a general online news platform based in Nigeria. Our focus amongst others is to provide credible, factual, well researched and balanced news and articles for our teeming readers in business, governments, politics, engineering, science, religion, technology etc. Edet Udoh is the Managing Editor. He is an experienced media person. He has worked extensively with the Champion Newspapers, The Authority Newspapers and the Blueprint Newspaper before starting Revealer Online News platform in 2018. He can be reached with this email address: or via these phone numbers 08061246427 and 08170080488

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